🏃‍♂️ Usage


Detecting build tools/task runners in use of the projects

Usage: btmeister [OPTIONS] [PROJECTs]...

  [PROJECTs]...  The target project paths. If "-" was given, reads from stdin.
                 Also, the first character was "@", read from the file eliminating "@".
                 This parameters accept directories and archive files.
                 Supported archive files: tar, tar.bz2, tar.gz, tar.xz, tar.zstd, and zip.

  -D, --definition <DEFS_JSON>     Specify the definition of the build tools.
      --append-defs <DEFS_JSON>    Specify the additional definitions of the build tools.
  -i, --ignore-type <IGNORE_TYPE>  specify the ignore type. [default: default] 
                                   [possible values: default, hidden, ignore, git-ignore, git-global, git-exclude]
  -L, --list-defs                  Print the build tools' definition list
  -f, --format <FORMAT>            Specify the output format [default: default] 
                                   [possible values: csv, default, json, markdown, xml, yaml]
  -v, --verbose                    Show verbose output.
  -h, --help                       Print help (see more with '--help')
  -V, --version                    Print version

The default build tool definitions are available on the GitHub repository (JSON schema).

Sample Output

$ btmeister ~/github.com/tamada/gibo-wrapper
    Cargo.toml: Cargo
    Dockerfile: Docker
    build.rs: Cargo
$ btmeister --format json ~/github.com/tamada/gibo-wrapper | jq .
    "base": "/Users/tamada/products/gibo-wrapper",
    "build-tools": [
        "path": "Cargo.toml",
        "tool-name": "Cargo"
        "path": "Dockerfile",
        "tool-name": "Docker"
        "path": "build.rs",
        "tool-name": "Cargo"

🐳 Docker


docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/app ghcr.io/tamada/btmeister:latest .

Supported build tools

The btmeister supports the following build tools.