Jan 23, 2017
Artificiality evaluation of obfuscations

🗣 Overview
This research topic tries to evaluate the artificialities of the obfuscated programs. We believe that the obfuscation changes the programs into unordinal ones. This topics evaluates the artificialities by tf-idf and perplexities.
📚 Publications
- 横井 昂典,玉田 春昭,”使用クラスに基づいたTF-IDFによる難読化の不自然さ評価”,2017年暗号と情報セキュリティシンポジウム予稿集 (SCIS 2017),3D1-4,January 2017.(沖縄,那覇)
- 大滝 隆貴,大堂 哲也,玉田 春昭,神崎 雄一郎,門田 暁人,”Javaバイトコード命令のオペコード、オペランドを用いた難読化手法のステルシネス評価”,2014年暗号と情報セキュリティシンポジウム予稿集 (SCIS2014), 2D2-2, January 2014.
🔎 Related Research Topics
- Identifying the applied obfuscator
- De-obfuscate IRM (identifier renaming method)
- Evaluating obfuscation method by Kolmogorov complexity
- Unreadability evaluation of obfuscated programs
🤝 Collaborators
- Y. Kanzaki@Kumamoto National College of Technology