🏃‍♂️ Usage

🆒 Utility commands

The sibling introduce the following utility commands.

cdnext and cdprev allow the integer argument to repeat the traversing.

To install the above utility commands into your environment, write the snippet (eval "$(sibling --init bash)") into your .bash_profile, and restart the bash session.

🏃 Usage

get next/previous sibling directory name.

Usage: sibling [OPTIONS] [DIR]

  [DIR]  the directory for listing the siblings [default: .]

  -a, --absolute      print the directory name in the absolute path
  -l, --list          list the sibling directories
  -p, --progress      print the progress of traversing directories
  -P, --parent        print parent directory, when no more sibling directories
  -s, --step <COUNT>  specify the number of times to execute sibling [default: 1]
  -t, --type <TYPE>   specify the nexter type [default: next]
                      [possible values: first, last, previous, next, random, keep]
  -h, --help          Print help
  -V, --version       Print version

sibling prints the next directory name with 0 status code. The next directory is decided by the traversing type. Available values are: next, previous, first, last, keep and random, default is next.

After visiting the final directory, the sibling prints nothing and exits with a non zero status code.