😄 About

📜 License

Apache License version 2.0


Cite wildcat in the academic papers


To cite this product, use the following BibTeX entry.

@misc{ tamada_wildcat,
    author       = {Haruaki Tamada},
    title        = {Wildcat: another implementation of wc (word count), version 1.2.0},
    publisher    = {GitHub},
    howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/tamada/wildcat}},
    year         = {2021},

🎃 Icon


This icon is obtained from freesvg.org.

📛 The project name (wildcat) comes from?

This project origin is wc command, and wc is the abbrev of ‘word count.’

Wildcat can abbreviate as wc, too.

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