🏃‍♂️ Usage

👞 CLI mode

wildcat version 1.2.0
    -b, --byte                  Prints the number of bytes in each input file.
    -c, --character             Prints the number of characters in each input file.
                                If the given arguments do not contain multibyte characters,
                                this option is equal to -b (--byte) option.
    -l, --line                  Prints the number of lines in each input file.
    -w, --word                  Prints the number of words in each input file.

    -a, --all                   Reads the hidden files.
    -f, --format <FORMAT>       Prints results in a specified format.  Available formats are:
                                csv, json, xml, and default. Default is default.
    -H, --humanize              Prints sizes in humanization.
    -n, --no-ignore             Does not respect ignore files (.gitignore).
                                If this option was specified, wildcat read .gitignore.
    -N, --no-extract-archive    Does not extract archive files. If this option was specified,
                                wildcat treats archive files as the single binary file.
    -o, --output <DEST>         Specifies the destination of the result.  Default is standard output.
    -P, --progress              Shows progress bar for counting.
    -S, --store-content         Sets to store the content of url targets.
    -t, --with-threads <NUM>    Specifies the max thread number for counting. (Default is 10).
                                The given value is less equals than 0, sets no max.
    -@, --filelist              Treats the contents of arguments as file list.

    -h, --help                  Prints this message.
    -v, --version               Prints the version of wildcat.
    -p, --port <PORT>           Specifies the port number of server.  Default is 8080.
                                If '--server' option did not specified, wildcat ignores this option.
    -s, --server                Launches wildcat in the server mode. With this option, wildcat ignores
                                CLI_MODE_OPTIONS and arguments.
    FILEs...                    Specifies counting targets. wildcat accepts zip/tar/tar.gz/tar.bz2/jar/war files.
    DIRs...                     Files in the given directory are as the input files.
    URLs...                     Specifies the urls for counting files (accept archive files).

If no arguments are specified, the standard input is used.
Moreover, -@ option is specified, the content of given files are the target files.

👠 Server Mode

To run wildcat with --server option, the wildcat start REST API server on port 8080 (default). Then, wildcat readies for the following endpoints.

POST /api/wildcat/counts

gives the files in the request body, then returns the results in the JSON format. The example of results is shown in Json. Available query parameters are as follows.

✉ Results

The available result formats are default, csv, json and xml. The examples of results are as follows by executing wildcat testdata/wc --format <FORMAT>.


Default format is almost same as the result of wc.

lines      words characters      bytes
    4         26        142        142 testdata/wc/humpty_dumpty.txt
   15         26        118        298 testdata/wc/ja/sakura_sakura.txt
   59        260      1,341      1,341 testdata/wc/london_bridge_is_broken_down.txt
   78        312      1,601      1,781 total (3 entries)


file name,lines,words,characters,bytes


The following json is formatted by jq ..

  "timestamp": "2021-02-16T14:59:40+09:00",
  "results": [
      "filename": "testdata/wc/humpty_dumpty.txt",
      "lines": "4",
      "words": "26",
      "characters": "142",
      "bytes": "142"
      "filename": "testdata/wc/ja/sakura_sakura.txt",
      "lines": "15",
      "words": "26",
      "characters": "118",
      "bytes": "298"
      "filename": "testdata/wc/london_bridge_is_broken_down.txt",
      "lines": "59",
      "words": "260",
      "characters": "1,341",
      "bytes": "1,341"
      "filename": "total",
      "lines": "78",
      "words": "312",
      "characters": "1,601",
      "bytes": "1,781"


The following xml is formatted by xmllint --format -

<?xml version="1.0"?>

🐳 Docker


$ docker run -v $PWD:/home/wildcat ghcr.io/tamada/wildcat:1.2.0 testdata/wc

If you run wildcat on server mode, run the following command.

$ docker run -p 8080:8080 -v $PWD:/home/wildcat ghcr.io/tamada/wildcat:1.2.0 --server


🏄‍♂️ Heroku


Post the files to https://secret-coast-70208.herokuapp.com/wildcat/api/counts, like below.

$ curl -X POST --data-binary @testdata/archives/wc.jar https://secret-coast-70208.herokuapp.com/wildcat/api/counts